What was cultivated in 2023?

Sounds of Summer 2023 Overview

Speaking of visitors, our events were filled with fun and friends from all over!

  • Made in Minnesota Craft Beer & Wine Festival: 375 tickets + 30 vendors from all over the state
  • Prairie Jam Featuring Eli Young Band: Over 2500 people jammed with us!
  • Arts & Living History Festival: Enjoyed 4 music groups, shopped 15 vendors & saw 200 attendees
  • Dinner with the Doll's: Seated 45 up-scale dinner & cocktail pairings at The Lyon County Museum (not counting the hundreds of doll's!)
  • Sounds of Summer: 2 Bands rocked after a fabulous parade, with over 2500 in attendance
  • Tunes on the Terrace: 4 nights of talented artist gathered 400 people
  • Fairbanks Ice Dogs: Atmospher drew from across the U.S. with over 1,000 each night

Saying PEACE OUT to 2023 and CHEERS to 2024! But before we move on, we want to reflect on how fantastic 2023 was. We sure Cultivated the Best of this year!

The 2023 goals set by the Visit Marshall Board & employees were well met. Booking new business travel, local branding and fall outdoor advertising. We enjoyed a video campaign agreement with CD.Modz, creating a hunting round table group and placing over 15 guide racks around town designed locally by Action Manufactoring.

Visit Marshall was proud to introduce the Community Tourism Support Grant in 2021. And this year, hit a record number of funding/investments of $99,000! With those grantees being 44 local organizations, sports, events or activities all bringing visitors to Marshall.

Here's to CULTIVATING a fabulous 2023 & the best 2024! Will we see you in Marshall this year?


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